On a quiet midnight on 17th October, Planto decided it’s time we flipped the switch from Beta to going Live.
As a team that ran 4 versions of product before going live in a span of 11 months, we have come a long way. It’s all this learning that has been the best thing about this time. We have grown as a team, as a company and have met some people who have deeply inspired us. But this is just beginning of a simple mission we set out back in November 2017.
Planto is on a mission to make it simple for everyone to manage their finances and achieve their financial goals.
Almost 2 weeks later after launch, as I reflect on days after launch, there is only one thought that tops every other i.e. the importance of early users, and the defining role they play in helping founders solve the most important problems.
Here’s a part of the note we sent out to our early users last weekend:
Thank you for being part of our journey and, most importantly, for letting Planto be part of yours.
As Hong Kong gets a comprehensive personal finance app that helps users consolidate their finances across 14 financial institutions, and gives users a simple direction to follow towards their financial goals, we at Planto are excited about discovering ways in which we can create real positive impact across the personal finances of people.
Planto Website: www.planto.hk
I hope you can support and follow us through this journey.
Your truly,
Ankit Suri